Funding And Investments: MetalCore, Starknet, Blockus, Saudi Efforts, and Gamer Arena

Funding And Investments: MetalCore, Starknet, Blockus, Saudi Efforts, and Gamer Arena

Play To Earn Games | 08 May 2024 15:07 UTC

From MetalCore's funding to Saudi's gaming strategy, Starknet's boost, Blockus's tech leap, to Gamer Arena's rise. Investments in future of gaming.

In the dynamic world of gaming, innovation never sleeps. As we navigate through this golden age of digital entertainment, a new chapter unfolds, heralded by groundbreaking investments and technological advancements. At the forefront, Studio 369’s MetalCore, Starknet’s $120 million fund, Blockus’s technological leap, Saudi Arabia's strategic initiatives, and Gamer Arena's competitive edge shine as beacons of progress.

Read also: All the stories about funding and investments in gaming

Studio 369: MetalCore's Leap Forward

Studio 369's recent announcement of a successful $5 million funding round for its blockchain-powered PvP shooter, MetalCore, marks a significant milestone. Backed by prominent investors like BITKRAFT Ventures and Delphi Digital, MetalCore is poised to redefine the landscape of multiplayer gaming. With its NFT-based, open-world combat system, MetalCore offers a unique blend of economic strategy and mechanized warfare, promising an engaging and immersive experience.

Immutable Collaboration: A Web3 Revolution

The partnership between Studio 369 and Immutable, leveraging the zkEVM mainnet, heralds a new age for MMOs in the web3 space. MetalCore's deployment on this platform not only showcases the game's innovative vision but also Immutable's commitment to advancing blockchain gaming. This collaboration sets the stage for an open beta launch that could reshape player expectations and game development.

Starknet's Game-Changing Fund

Starknet's announcement of a $120 million fund to enhance web3 gaming experiences is a game-changer. With the creation of a dedicated Gaming Committee, Starknet aims to foster innovation and support developers exploring the potential of blockchain in gaming. This strategic move signals Starknet's ambition to become a powerhouse in the burgeoning field of on-chain gaming.

Blockus: Empowering Game Developers

With a $4 million injection from Maple VC and others, Blockus is on a mission to simplify blockchain integration for game developers. Their platform promises to streamline player onboarding and enhance the gaming experience with on-chain features, bridging the gap between traditional gaming and blockchain technology.

Saudi Arabia's Visionary Investment

Saudi Arabia's National Development Fund and Social Development Bank's $120 million initiative to foster local gaming and esports ventures reflects the Kingdom's ambitious vision to become a global gaming hub. This investment underscores the significance of gaming and esports in the country's broader economic and cultural strategy.

Gamer Arena: Elevating Competitive Gaming

Gamer Arena’s significant valuation at $6 million, following investment from DOMiNO Ventures, underscores the platform's impact on competitive gaming. As Turkiye's premier gaming platform, Gamer Arena leverages the GAU Token to offer esports tournaments and AI-driven products, bridging web2 and web3 gaming worlds.

Forging the Future of Gaming

As these stories of innovation and investment unfold, it's clear that the gaming industry is on the brink of a new era. The convergence of blockchain technology, competitive gaming, and strategic funding is not just reshaping the landscape but also paving the way for a future where gaming transcends traditional boundaries. Each of these developments, from MetalCore's ambitious project to Saudi Arabia's national strategy and Gamer Arena's competitive platform, contributes to a broader narrative of growth, innovation, and community.

In this exciting era, the gaming community stands at the cusp of exploring new worlds, experiences, and opportunities. As we look forward to the endless possibilities, one thing is certain: the future of gaming is bright, and it's being written now, one investment at a time.

Navigating the Future of Gaming: A Journey of Innovation and Funding

The gaming industry is at a pivotal crossroads, with traditional and emerging technologies merging to create experiences that are more immersive, interactive, and inclusive than ever before. From the depths of blockchain to the realms of competitive gaming, the infusion of capital is not just about keeping the lights on; it’s about pioneering the next era of gaming.

Studio 369's Visionary Leap with MetalCore

The Dawn of a New Challenge: Studio 369's MetalCore Enters the Arena

In the heart of this evolution stands Studio 369, a beacon of innovation with its groundbreaking project, MetalCore. Garnering a notable $5 million in funding from a constellation of investors led by BITKRAFT Ventures and Delphi Digital, MetalCore is poised to redefine the boundaries of blockchain-powered gaming. With an open world that beckons players into mechanized combat, MetalCore's vision is a testament to the potential of combining thrilling gameplay with the financial dynamism of NFTs.

Studio 369 and MetalCore: Advancing Blockchain Gaming

  • Fact 1: MetalCore's development is powered by Unreal Engine, highlighting the game's commitment to high-quality graphics and performance.
  • Fact 2: The game's funding will also support the integration of next-gen AI for enemy behavior, enhancing both realism and challenge.

A Collaboration that Spells Revolution: Immutable's Role in MetalCore’s Journey

The collaboration with Immutable (IMX) signifies more than a partnership; it’s a strategic move towards leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance player experiences. The deployment on Immutable’s zkEVM mainnet is not just a technical feat; it's a leap towards a future where gaming and blockchain integration offers a seamless, enriching experience for players.

Immutable and zkEVM Mainnet: A New Era for Web3 Games

  • Fact 1: Immutable's partnership with Studio 369 marks a significant step towards reducing gas fees and improving transaction speeds for gamers on the blockchain.
  • Fact 2: The zkEVM mainnet by Immutable is designed to be Ethereum-compatible, ensuring a smooth transition for developers into the Web3 space.

The Strategic Moves of Starknet and Blockus

Starknet's $120 Million Gambit: Uplifting Web3 Gaming

Starknet's announcement of a $120 million fund dedicated to amplifying web3 gaming experiences is a bold statement of confidence in the future of blockchain gaming. The formation of the Gaming Committee and the focus on developing an inclusive gaming environment underscore Starknet's commitment to fostering a vibrant ecosystem where developers and players thrive together.

Starknet’s $120 Million Initiative: Boosting Web3 Game Development

  • Fact 1: Starknet's Gaming Committee aims to support over 100 game projects within the next two years, significantly expanding the ecosystem.
  • Fact 2: The fund is not just about financial investment but also provides mentorship and technical support to budding developers.

Blockus's Visionary Stride: Pioneering Web3 Gaming Infrastructure

With $4 million in fresh funding, Blockus stands at the forefront of solving one of the most persistent challenges in web3 gaming: infrastructure. By streamlining player onboarding and facilitating on-chain features, Blockus is not just supporting game studios; it’s actively shaping a future where game development meets the potential of blockchain technology.

Blockus: Pioneering the Web3 Gaming Infrastructure

  • Fact 1: Blockus's technology enables seamless crypto transactions, removing one of the significant barriers for non-crypto savvy gamers.
  • Fact 2: Their platform allows for the creation of decentralized gaming economies, where players truly own their assets and earnings.

The Global Ambition: Saudi Arabia and Gamer Arena's Expansive Visions

Saudi Arabia's Bold Play: A $120 Million Investment in Gaming’s Future

Saudi Arabia’s commitment, through the National Development Fund (NDF) and Social Development Bank (SDB), to invest $120 million in developing local gaming and esports enterprises is a significant endorsement of gaming's potential to drive economic diversification and innovation. This initiative not only supports local talent but also positions Saudi Arabia as a burgeoning global gaming hub.

Saudi Arabia’s Gaming Strategy: A Vision for 2030

  • Fact 1: Saudi Arabia aims to be among the top 3 countries worldwide in esports and gaming by 2030, leveraging its young population's interest and talent.
  • Fact 2: The strategy includes building state-of-the-art gaming hubs and arenas to host international tournaments, fostering a global gaming culture.

Gamer Arena: Elevating Competitive Gaming with DOMiNO Ventures

The strategic investment in Gamer Arena by DOMiNO Ventures, valuing the company at $6 million, is a pivotal moment for competitive gaming in Turkey and beyond. By fostering a vibrant ecosystem around the GAU Token and pushing the boundaries with AI and blockchain technology, Gamer Arena is setting the stage for a new era of competitive gaming that is more engaging, accessible, and rewarding for players around the globe.

Gamer Arena: Elevating Competitive Gaming with Blockchain

  • Fact 1: Gamer Arena’s GAU Token facilitates a unique model where gamers can earn through play, aligning with the play-to-earn (P2E) trend.
  • Fact 2: The investment from DOMiNO Ventures will also help launch a blockchain-based loyalty program, enhancing player engagement and retention.

Conclusion: The Unified Vision of Tomorrow's Gaming Landscape

As we traverse these narratives, from Studio 369's ambitious MetalCore to the visionary efforts of Starknet, Blockus, Saudi Arabia, and Gamer Arena, a common thread emerges. It’s a story of transformation, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of creating gaming experiences that are not just entertaining but are also meaningful, inclusive, and forward-looking.

Each investment, each partnership, and each technological leap forward is a testament to the belief in gaming's potential to bring people together, to challenge our perceptions, and to shape the future. As we look ahead, it's clear that the journey of gaming is not just about the games we play; it's about the communities we build, the technologies we embrace, and the boundaries we dare to push. In this dynamic landscape, the fusion of creativity, technology, and strategic funding is not just shaping the future of gaming; it's redefining what it means to play, compete, and connect in a digital age.

Glossary of Key Gaming and Technology Terms

In the dynamic world of gaming and technology, understanding the key terms and phrases is crucial for navigating discussions and news. Here is a glossary of terms related to our discussion, organized from A to Z, to enhance your comprehension of the evolving gaming landscape.

  • AI (Artificial Intelligence): The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems, used in games for characters' behavior, game decision-making, and enhancing player experiences.
  • Blockchain: A system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. In gaming, it is often used for secure transactions and creating unique, verifiable digital assets like NFTs.
  • Competitive Gaming: A form of gaming that emphasizes skill-based play and competition among players. Often associated with esports, where players compete in organized tournaments and leagues.
  • Decentralized Gaming Economies: Gaming ecosystems where economic transactions and ownership of assets are distributed across players without a central authority, often enabled by blockchain technology.
  • Esports: A form of competition using video games, often organized into multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually or as teams.
  • Funding Round: A stage of venture capital financing where investors provide funds to startups in exchange for equity. It’s a critical step for companies looking to scale their operations.
  • GAU Token: A digital currency used within the Gamer Arena platform, allowing users to earn tokens through participation and use them within the ecosystem.
  • Immutable (IMX): A company that provides blockchain services, focusing on making transactions within games cheaper, faster, and more secure through their technology.
  • Investment Fund: Pools of capital from multiple investors used to collectively invest in securities and other assets, often managed by professional investment managers.
  • Mainnet: The primary network for blockchain transactions where digital currencies have real economic value, as opposed to test networks (testnets).
  • NFT (Non-Fungible Token): A digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items, and videos. They are bought, sold, and traded online, typically with cryptocurrency, and are encoded with the same underlying software as many cryptos.
  • Open-World Games: Video games where a player can roam freely through a virtual world and is given considerable freedom in how to approach objectives.
  • P2E (Play-to-Earn): A business model in gaming where players can earn real-world rewards, often in the form of cryptocurrency or NFTs, for playing and progressing in a game.
  • PvP (Player vs. Player): A type of multiplayer interactive conflict within a game between two or more live participants.
  • Rollup: A layer 2 solution for Ethereum that aims to improve scalability and reduce fees by batching or "rolling up" transactions into a single transaction.
  • Starknet: A decentralized ZK rollup, operating as a layer 2 network over Ethereum, aimed at improving scalability and efficiency.
  • Unreal Engine: A powerful game engine developed by Epic Games, used for the development of video games across platforms and genres.
  • Venture Capital: A form of private equity and a type of financing that investors provide to startups and small businesses that are believed to have long-term growth potential.
  • Web3: The third generation of the evolution of web technologies. The Web3 vision is an internet where users control their own data, identity, and destiny, with blockchain as a foundational technology.
  • zkEVM (Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine): A type of ZK rollup specifically designed to be fully compatible with Ethereum, allowing for secure, scalable, and Ethereum-compatible transactions.

This glossary aims to provide a foundation for understanding the complex and rapidly evolving discussions around gaming, blockchain, and technology investments.

Funding And Investments- MetalCore, Starknet, Blockus, Saudi Efforts, and Gamer Arena
Funding And Investments- MetalCore, Starknet, Blockus, Saudi Efforts, and Gamer Arena

Glossary of Names, Titles, Games, and Companies in the Gaming and Technology Sphere

This glossary encompasses key individuals, game titles, and companies highlighted in our discussion, offering a quick reference to better understand the entities shaping the future of gaming and technology.


  • Ambrus Studio: A web3 game developer known for building "E4C: Final Salvation" and other titles, exploring the intersection of gaming with blockchain technology.


  • Blockus: A technology platform focused on streamlining player onboarding and facilitating on-chain features for game studios, enhancing web3 gaming infrastructure.


  • Chris Lexmond: A member of the Starknet Gaming Committee, contributing expertise from Unstoppable Games.


  • DOMiNO Ventures: A Dutch-based early-stage venture capital fund that invests in AI, gaming, and web3 technologies, recently involved in funding Gamer Arena.


  • EllioTrades: One of the investors in Studio 369's MetalCore, contributing to the game's development and expansion.


  • FIFA, Clash Royale, PUBG: Popular web2 games hosted on Turkiye’s Gamer Arena platform for competitive gaming tournaments.


  • Gamer Arena: Turkiye's first and only competitive gaming platform, which hosts esports tournaments and develops competitive mobile games and AI products.
  • Gods Unchained: An NFT trading-card game developed by Immutable, pioneering the integration of blockchain technology in high-quality gaming experiences.


  • Immutable (IMX): A global leader in web3 game development and publishing, known for pioneering the world’s first blockbuster NFT trading-card game, Gods Unchained.
  • IMPACT 46: The firm managing the second of the two venture funds established by the National Development Fund and Social Development Bank of Saudi Arabia, focusing on fostering the growth of the gaming and Esports industry in the Kingdom.


  • King River Digital Assets: Notable investor in the MetalCore game developed by Studio 369, supporting the future of blockchain-powered gaming experiences.


  • MetalCore: An NFT-based, open-world, mechanized combat game developed by Studio 369, featuring PvP-focused shooter gameplay in a unique sci-fi world.
  • Merak Capital: One of the entities managing the new venture funds established by Saudi Arabia's National Development Fund and Social Development Bank to support gaming and Esports companies.


  • National Development Fund (NDF): A Saudi Arabia-based fund aimed at supporting the development of various promising sectors within the Kingdom, including gaming and Esports, as part of its broader economic diversification efforts.
  • NDF and SDB New $120 Million Funds for Gaming in Saudi: An initiative by the National Development Fund and the Social Development Bank in Saudi Arabia to establish two venture funds totaling $120 million, managed by Merak Capital and IMPACT 46, to bolster the local gaming and Esports ecosystem.


  • Sanctor Capital: A key investor in Studio 369's funding round for MetalCore, contributing to the development of the blockchain-powered game.
  • Starknet: An Ethereum L2 rollup focused on enhancing web3 gaming experiences through a $120 million fund and the formation of a dedicated Gaming Committee.
  • Studio 369: The game development company behind MetalCore, specializing in Unreal Engine projects for PC and console platforms.
  • Saudi Esports Federation: The governing body responsible for overseeing esports activities and initiatives within Saudi Arabia, working in collaboration with the NDF and SDB to support the development of local gaming and Esports enterprises.
  • Social Development Bank (SDB): Partnered with the NDF in launching the $120 million initiative to support the gaming and Esports industry in Saudi Arabia, aiming to cultivate a vibrant gaming ecosystem and position the Kingdom as a global gaming hub.
  • Studio369: Corrected from the previous glossary to provide clarity. Studio369 is a game development company that focuses on leveraging Unreal Engine technology for creating immersive gaming experiences, notably for the development of MetalCore.


  • Zeneca: Participated in the funding round for MetalCore, showcasing support for the advancement of blockchain-based gaming.

This glossary offers insight into the diverse ecosystem of companies, game titles, and key figures contributing to the evolving landscape of gaming and technology, highlighting the collaborative effort across industries to push boundaries and create innovative experiences.

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Esports,Gods Unchained,Unreal engine,Saudi arabia,Funding round,Venture capital,Mainnet,Competitive gaming,MetalCore,Studio 369,Open World games,Saudi vision 2030,Ambrus Studio,Starknet,Decentralized Gaming Economies,NFT (Non Fungible Token),PvP (Player vs. Player),Studio 369: MetalCore's Leap Forward,Immutable Collaboration: A Web3 Revolution,Starknet's Game Changing Fund,Blockus: Empowering Game Developers,Blockus,Saudi Arabia's Visionary Investment,Gamer Arena: Elevating Competitive Gaming,Gamer Arena,Future of Gaming: A Journey of Innovation and Funding,Studio 369 and MetalCore: Advancing Blockchain Gaming,Studio 369's Visionary Leap with MetalCore,Immutable and zkEVM Mainnet: A New Era for Web3 Games,The Strategic Moves of Starknet and Blockus,Starknet’s $120 Million Initiative: Boosting Web3 Game Development,Blockus: Pioneering the Web3 Gaming Infrastructure,Blockus's Visionary Stride: Pioneering Web3 Gaming Infrastructure,Starknet's $120 Million Gambit: Uplifting Web3 Gaming,Immutable's Role in MetalCore’s Journey,The Global Ambition: Saudi Arabia and Gamer Arena's Expansive Visions,Saudi Arabia's Bold Play: A $120 Million Investment in Gaming’s Future,Saudi Arabia’s Gaming Strategy: A Vision for 2030,Gamer Arena: Elevating Competitive Gaming with DOMiNO Ventures,Gamer Arena: Elevating Competitive Gaming with Blockchain,The Unified Vision of Tomorrow's Gaming Landscape,Glossary of Key Gaming and Technology Terms,AI (Artificial Intelligence),GAU token,Immutable (IMX),Investment fund,P2E (Play To Earn),Chris Lexmond,DOMiNO Ventures,EllioTrades,IMPACT 46,King River Digital Assets,Merak Capital,National Development Fund (NDF),NDF,SDB,Sanctor Capita,Saudi Esports Federation,Social Development Bank (SDB),Zeneca,Saudi Vision 2030: Transforming Gaming & Esports,Saudi Esports & Gaming: A $120M Game Plan,Saudi Esports & Gaming,Saudi Esports,Saudi's Big Play: Funding Esports & Gaming Tech,Saudi's Esports Vision: Investing in Gaming's Future,Funding Gaming's Future: Saudi Initiatives Unveiled

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